THE START. At the start of the semester, honestly, I had a negative feeling towards this social engagement course. I felt that it was going to be a burden and hindrance towards my time and would clash with the other courses that I’m taking in the semester. From the late class sessions to the to the confusion in understanding the objective and ways to execute this course, it was really a rough start to the whole subject, for me at least, and it was hard for me to enjoy my time during this course. Luckily for me, I found the best group mates that made this course a breeze. THE CHALLENGE In my previous studies, I have had experienced organizing and taking part in a social engagement program. It was fairly simple and straight forward. Search for a place or community, decide on a community, contact the community, organize games and activities, give out prizes, help them clean and tidy the place up and you are done. This time around, the university requires us to incorpor...